(Translated from Bengali Version Created by Me)
(Dedicated to My Friend Late Imdadul Bari Apu)
After my death,
Never ever think
I will not be anywhere:
Keep your eyes on the twilight,
In the evening sky;
Lay your ears in the music of fallen leaves,
In the screech of owl;
Have your nose on the green,
In the tears of dew –
You will find me.
After my death,
Never ever think
I will not be anymore:
Keep your eyes on the clouds of autumn,
In the adamant wind of kashbon;
Lay your ears in the solemnity of rain,
In the melody of falling water;
Have your nose on the hyacinth flowers,
In the water of Bongshi –
You will find me.
After my death,
Never ever think
I will not be anymore:
Keep your senses on the eyes of shalik,
In the flight of sparrow;
Lay your ears in the symphony of jhijhi,
In the light and darkness of jonaki;
Have your nose on the stem of rice,
In the heart of durba grass –
You will find me.
Have your nose on the hyacinth flowers,
In the water of Bongshi –
You will find me.
How are you Azad Bhai?
Thanks Md. Safi Uddin. I am fine. Hope you Okey.