শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুরের জীবনী ও বানী (অষ্টম পরিচ্ছেদ)
সংগ্রহ ও সম্পাদনা- লক্ষ্মণ ভাণ্ডারী
যুগ পুরুষোত্তম শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকূল চন্দ্র
শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুর অনুকূল চন্দ্রের জীবনী
শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকুলচন্দ্র
জন্ম তাং: বাংলা ১২৯৫ সনের ৩০ ভাদ্র।(১৮৮৮ খ্রিষ্টাব্দ)
(Continued from the previous publication of 7th part)
Sri Sri Thakur created a sensation in and outside the country. Inquisitive mind and devoted hearts came pouring and created a beehive around Sri Sri Thakur. Sri Sri Thakur’s abode in the village Himayetpur turned to be a shelter for people looking for relief and solutions of various kinds. Centers of activities, primarily to meet the natural requirement of visitors and inhabitants, sprung up; like school, college, hospital, centre of arts, cottage industries and laboratories for scientific experiments. Keeping people engaged in creative, scientific and entrepreneurial activities and developing human faculties on a balanced way was the motive behind all the activities. It was a fusion of science and dharma; material and spiritual; body, mind and soul; all leading to being and becoming of man, in symbiosis with surrounding and the Ideal. Sri Sri Thakur’s abode popularly came to be known as ‘Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra Ashram’. As mother Manamohini desired, ashram was named as ‘Pabna Satsang Ashram’.
Sri Sri Thakur’s father Shiv Chandra Chakraborty left for his heavenly abode on 24thAgrahayan in the Bengali year 1330. Even during the period of mourning, Sri Sri Thakur never remised his pursuit of guiding and caring people, salvaging the fallen and rescuing the endangered. He was untiringly engaged in building his ideological framework both in theory and in practice. That ideology sets the path for the humanity, of current and of the foreseeable future. His cardinal principle for the unification of the mankind was, ‘God is one, dharma is one, prophets are same, servers of the One.” He held all the past prophets in high reverence; upheld and fulfilled all the past prophets through his own conducts and ideology. While respecting all the past prophets, one is required to follow the principles of the present one. He said, “All prophets shoot from providence, hence they are anointed; the present prophet is the consummation of all prophets, hence all prophets should be revered.” He formulated ideological tripod, yajan, yaajan and istabhrity, which are to be practiced every day for the uplift and transformation of every individual, family, society and the humanity. For maintaining excellence and progressiveness in the social system, he favoured varnashram and eugenic based marriage.
As prophet of the age, Sri Sri Thakur pioneered a movement that was designed to give ‘being and becoming’ a reality. He brought in a new defining shape to the concept of ‘dharma’. He said, “Dharma means the laws that sustain life and growth with every effulgence of personality; both individually and collectively.” He raised a guild of dedicated workers, who were classified and named as: ritwik, adhwarjyu and yaajak. The guild of ritwiks, out of sheer love for their Lord, marched far and wide and disseminated the mission and method of love, life and lore, as propounded by Sri Sri Thakur. Whoever came on the ideological spring board of Sri Sri Thakur got an access to their inner energy and were adjusted and elevated, leading a life centered aroundIsta (the blissful Ideal). The evil got automatically banished; each one got committed to an Ideal centric life in a societal grove where mutual love, service and instinct based livelihood prevailed.
Amidst hectic activities to spread the movement, Sri Sri Thakur was focused on ‘man making’. Each person was an asset to him, with biological backdrop and future potential. Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology was primarily meant for protecting the existence (being) and furthering the growth (becoming) of each person. Sri Sri Thakur was looking for a band of balanced and sound personality, devoted and dedicated, to lead his movement for the benefit of the humanity. Sri Sri Thakur was feeling pain and suffering of every person in his heart and was only too eager to alleviate the pain and banish the cause of suffering. Sri Sri Thakur displayed a sensitivity that is very fine and pervasive, by which he felt the feelings of even an ant. His ideology was aimed at making every person free from the bondages and luggage of the past that cause pain and sufferings and make the person progress on the road towards deliverance.
On 6th day of Chaitra in 1344, mother Manamohini devi left his dear son for her heavenly abode. Sri Sri Thakur’s life took a different turn from then onwards, as he did not have any other worldly anchor to keep him going. Loss of mother left a lifelong void for him; as mother was everything for him.
On 1st September 1946, amidst torrential downpour, Sri Sri Thakur left his homestead with a heavy heart. Apparently, he was advised by doctors for a change of climate for his health. He came to Deoghar (Baidyanth Dham) in Santhal Pragana district in then Bihar (now in Jharkhand). His family members and some close disciples accompanied him in this sojourn to Deoghar. It was tragic that less than a year from then, on 15th August 1947, India was partitioned and Sri Sri Thakur’s birth place, Himayetpur in Pabna, remained on the side belonging to Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Sri Sri Thakur never returned to his birthplace. No devotee of Sri Sri Thakur could continue to stay there. All the people migrated to this side in India and many of them preferred to stay at Deoghar, despite all hardship. Slowly, the new ashram began to grow at Deoghar from the scratch. Sri Sri Thakur’s ashram in Himayetpur together with properties worth crores of rupees was taken as public property by Pakistan Government.
Sri Sri Thakur was at his mission and movement. The creator of the universe got engaged with resettlement and rehabilitation, all alone. For him, the partition of the country on lines of religion and the holocaust of communalism that followed was sad, to say the least. But nothing could unnerve and unsettle him. His mission and movement to save and elevate the humanity went on a rampage. People in large number, irrespective of caste, clan, religion, from across the country and some from outside, poured in to Deoghar. A wave of cultural and spiritual reawakening, a resurgence of life, with epicenter at Deoghar engulfed the country. People from all walks of life, common and prominent alike, with various background and expectation, broke down at the feet of Sri Sri Thakur. Every soul looked for a solution; every one came expectant; every leader wanted to be led. Sri Sri Thakur fulfilled every heart, every mind and strengthened every shoulder. Many visitors and onlookers took shelter of Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology by accepting holy mantra. Sri Sri Thakur’s discourses with visitors were so powerful, meaningful and so precise in language that those were recorded. The discussions were jotted down by his erudite devotee Prafulla Kumar Das and transcript of those have been published in ‘Alochana Prasange’ in series. Sri Sri Thakur’s ideology and activities got published in many contemporary magazines and news papers.
Let us think, behold and bowdown at His feet and follow Him with hearty adherence, allegiance and active service, installing Him in the throne of existential uphold and propitious immortal nectar of life.
stay with me always. Keep beside you.
শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুরের সত্যানুসরণ গ্রন্থ থেকে পাঠ
সত্যদর্শীর আশ্রয় নিয়ে স্বাধীনভাবে চিন্তা কর, এবং বিনয়ের সহিত স্বাধীন মত প্রকাশ কর। বই পড়ে বই হয়ে যেও না, তার essence* কে মজ্জাগত করতে চেষ্টা কর। Pull the husk to draw the seed.*।
উপর-উপর দেখেই কিছু ছেড়ো না বা কোন মত প্রকাশ করো না। কোনও-কিছুর শেষ না দেখলে তার সম্বন্ধে জ্ঞানই হয় না।, আর না জানলে তুমি তার বিষয়ে কি মত প্রকাশ করবে?
যাই কেন কর না, তার ভিতর সত্য দেখতে চেষ্টা কর। সত্য দেখা মানেই তাকে আগাগোড়া জানা, আর তাই জ্ঞান।
যা’ তুমি জান না, এমন বিষয়ে লোককে উপদেশ দিতে যেও না।
নিজের দোষ জেনেও যদি তুমি তা ত্যাগ করতে না পার, তবে কোন মতেই তার সমর্থন করে অন্যের সর্বনাশ কর না। তুমি যদি সৎ হও তোমার দেখাদেখি হাজার হাজার লোক সৎ হয়ে পড়বে। আর যদি অসৎ হও তোমার দুর্দ্দশার জন্য সমবেদনা প্রকাশের কেউই থাকবে না; কারণ তুমি অসৎ হয়ে তোমার চারিদিকই অসৎ করে ফেলেছ।
তুমি ঠিক ঠিক জেন যে তুমি তোমার, তোমার নিজ পরিবারের, দশের এবং দেশের বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যতের জন্য দ্বায়ী। নাম যশের আশায় কোন কাজ করতে যাওয়া ঠিক নয়। কিন্তু কোন কাজ নিঃস্বার্থভাবে কর’তে গেলেই কায্যের অনুরুপ যশ তোমার সেবা করবেই করবে।
নিজের জন্য যাই করা যায় তাই সকাম, আর, অন্যের জন্য যা করা যায় তাই নিষ্কাম। কারো জন্য কিছু না চাওয়কেই নিষ্কাম বলে—শুধু তা নয়কো। দিয়ে দাও নিজের জন্য কিছু চেও না, দেখবে, সব তোমার হয়ে যাচ্ছে।
তুমি অন্যের নিকট যেমন পেতে ইচ্ছা কর, অপরকেও তেমনি দিতে চেষ্টা কর- এমনতর বুঝে চলতে পারলেই যথেষ্ট- আপনিই সবাই তোমাকে পছন্দ করবে, ভালবাসবে।
নিজে ঠিক থেকে সবাইকে সৎভাবে খুশি করতে চেষ্টা কর, দেখবে সবাই তোমাকে খুশি করার চেষ্টা করছে। সাবধান নিজত্ব হারিয়ে কাউকে খুশি করতে যেও না, তাহলে তোমার দূর্গতির সীমা থাকবে না।
শেয়ার করার জন্য অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ মি. লক্ষ্মণ ভাণ্ডারী। শুভ সন্ধ্যা।
আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ লক্ষ্মণ ভাণ্ডারী দা।
শেয়ারের অংশ বিশেষ পড়লাম কবি দা।
ভালো শেয়ারিং।
শেয়ার করার জন্য শুভেচ্ছা প্রিয় কবি দা।